Developer Experience

First hint of love for computers
I was first introduced to coding in the MySpace era! I had the flashiest page of anyone I knew. I started learning things like how to build my own pc by ordering individual parts and assembling them in the shell of an HP first loaded with Win95. I made a few simple programs to assist in completing redundant school work for high school. And then I stopped investing time in the skills because I had been convinced that the only way I "qualified" for college was if it was to be a teacher, and I also loved the idea of teaching.

"Can you come fix this?"
Many years passed during which I was generally considered the go-to friend/co-worker for basic pc troubleshooting. I could usually fix the printer in the copy room at school and was generally the first to catch on to any new Learning Management System (LMS) the teachers were given. I was an early adopter of Google Classroom and taught many teachers the power behind Excel. However, when a flashy new program would be introduced at a school, I was always passed over while the male teachers were assigned the Minecraft in School elective or to given "data pads" to integrate with smart projector systems.

Pandemic Teaching
Then, along came Covid-ocolypse. I shifted to online learning without issue, but my experience was not the norm. I watched so many of my friends, former and current colleagues, and administrators struggle HARD with using technology wisely and effectively. Everything seemed so much harder than it had to be. I decided to get over my fear of being a woman in the Computer Science field and started learning in October of 2021. First, via free online tutorials, then through college courses.

Second Career
My first project (beyond Hello, World intro tutorials) was trying to make a gradebook in Java. I was practicing with 2D arrays and manipulating data and averaging inputs. It was still all entirely console/terminal bound. From first look at Java to the point I discontinued working on this project was roughly two months. At that point, I started to realize that I would need more than just Java and started to expand my thinking on my tech career.

View the code on my GitHub page!

Web Developer
I am now currently working as a Junior Web Developer in a part-time position with Clear Resolution Consulting. In this role I am managing the corporate website, assisting in a potential rebranding of online presence, advising on front-end design choices, troubleshooting website loading errors, and transitioning the site to an updated platform. This opportunity has helped me shift from "learning wide" (covering a lot of topics at the beginner level) to "learning deep" (gaining understanding of more complicated principles).