Independent Projects

Check out some examples of my skills and projects!
~HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java, SQL, Python, PHP
~Instructional Design
~Adobe Captivate and Creative Cloud
~Data Management
~Networking with Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)
~Windows and Linux Operating Systems
~Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access
~Microsoft SharePoint development and management
~Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, Sites, Classroom

Custom Instructional Design with Adobe Captivate!
Tutorial for creating Digital Tables and Graphs

JavaScript Calculator
Adobe Animate Projects!
Stickmen Cheerleaders loading a stunt
Simple transformation of rectangle to star shape
Frame-by-Frame animation of running stick man

As an active learner, I stay active in many developer communities. I am currently one of the 200 most active particiapnts of the AWS Certified Global Community.

image higlighting Kay as part of the top 200 active members of the AWS community

Knowledge of and comfort with SQL and Microsoft Access Databasing.

example image of database report produced by Kay

Comfort with Linux Operating Systems and basic Linux Network Management via Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

screen shot of RHEL terminal managed by Kay screen shot of RHEL class completion certificates

Analysis of Instructional Design for online instructional content, formatted with advanced Microsoft Word functionality.

screen shot of instructional review of Codecademy

Data Management via advanced Microsoft Excel and Access skills

screen shot of data processing in Excel

A quick example of JavaScript, and a reminder for an important item on your to-do list!

How long do you have to buy my next birthday present?

Better make it nice!

screen shot of JavaScript code in VS Code

Transitioned an older Dell Alienware laptop to Linux for extended life and systems testing.